What’s on the Plate: Fruits and Vegetables


Fruits are a part of a plant and fruits have seeds. They provide an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. There are a lot of different kinds of fruits to offer a toddler, a few examples include berries, melons, bananas, pineapple, mangoes, peaches, nectarines apples, citrus (oranges and grapefruit), pears, apricots, cherries, papaya, and plums, etc. Offer a variety and offer these cooked and/or soft enough and the appropriate size for your toddler to consume safely.


Admittedly, there is one food group that most people, especially young children, do not get enough of—vegetables. Just do your best to offer a variety of them at most mealtimes and then you’ve done your part! 

Vegetables are also part of a plant and technically do not have seeds. They provide an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. There are lots of options in this group as well. Some vegetables can be starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, corn, pumpkin, and winter squash. Examples of what is considered a vegetable BUT do contain seeds are tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Offer often and offer them cooked and/or soft enough and the appropriate size for your toddler to consume safely.

Smoothies, soups, stews, pasta and casserole dishes are an excellent way to incorporate many items from this food group. So consider making these types of “meals” as well. 

Toddler Serving Sizes


Toddlers need 2 + servings per day of fruit.

Toddler’s Daily Need: ~¾ to one cup of Fruits

One Serving Size Equivalents

¼ cup Canned & Cooked Fruit

3-4 Tbsp Fresh Fruit, ripe and soft


Toddlers need 3 + servings per day of vegetables.

Toddler’s Daily Need:  ~¾  to one cup 

One Serving Size Equivalents

2 to 4 Tbsp Cooked Vegetables

Raw Veggies - 2 to 4 Tbsp of tomatoes or cucumbers

General Rules For Servings and Portions:

¼ Rule. If you don’t want to calculate or weigh food portions, the general rule is Toddler Serving size = ¼ Adult serving

Snacks = mini-meals. Like meals, snacks should be nutritionally dense and include a variety of foods.

Snack serving = ½ toddler serving sizes.

Do offer 3 meals plus 2-3 snacks but limit to no more than 3 snacks per day

If possible offer each items at each meal and in ½ portions at each snack

  • Serve with milk or water

  • 1 protein 

  • 1 carb 

  • 1 fat source if the protein is lean

  • 1 vegetable or 1 fruit


What’s on the Plate: Grains


What’s on the Plate: Protein