
Tiny Tummies: Mastering the Essentials of Infant Feeding

Welcome to "MissPoppins The Art of Parenting" the podcast dedicated to creating a supportive community for new parents. I'm your host, Nicky Rishi, and today we have a special episode focusing on Newborn Sleep.Joining me is an incredible woman who shares a passion for supporting moms on their wellness journey.Welcome to our podcast with Kristen, a Pediatric Registered Dietitian and Certified Lactation Counselor from sunny Tampa, Florida. With a deep passion for paediatric gut health, Kristen specializes in helping breastfeeding moms optimize their diets for baby's digestion, managing infant reflux, fussiness, and food sensitivities. Her holistic approach focuses on identifying root causes to nurture happy tummies in babies and children, guiding them towards becoming healthy, confident eaters. Join us as Kristen shares her insights on nourishing the next generation. Let's dive into our conversation with Kristen to learn more about her remarkable journey and dedication to helping parents.


Embrace the 'Latch of Love' - Want to learn the ABCs of effortless breastfeeding?


Brick by Brick - Navigating the Transition to Solid Foods for Infants